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Worship at Saint Joseph

At Saint Joseph Parish, the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of the Christian life. We gather together, in the presence of Christ our Lord, at the altar for our weekend liturgies where we welcome families, our school children, the young, and the old. Good music, prayerful presiding, and a desire to be with the Living God make our Masses true sacrifices of praise. 

Saint Joseph offers a wide range of opportunities to pray, including Masses every day, Eucharistic holy hour on Saturday mornings, the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Saturday Holy Hour, Taize prayer, as well as the opportunity to begin small faith-sharing groups. All are welcome to become a part of our worship community here at Saint Joseph!

If you have questions about the opportunities available here, contact any of the parish staff.

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© Saint Joseph Parish • 226 N. Hill St. • South Bend, Indiana 46617 • (574) 234-3134