Saint Joseph Catholic Parish is a vibrant church and school community rooted in Catholic faith. There are several ways to get involved in both the church community and Saint Joseph Grade School (SJGS). We invite you to explore each ministry by browsing through our several ministry links below and consider participating in an upcoming activity or joining one of our several commissions or committees.
What does Ministry mean?
All of our activities (from service-related projects to formation programming to liturgy and beyond) are housed under eight commissions, named below. Each commission concentrates on a different aspect of our lives as followers of Christ and as a church community. Our commissions sponsor several committees and programs. Here at Saint Joseph, we consider the work that our commissions and volunteers do to be ministries of our parish. They all help to sustain the mission of the church and school by providing opportunities for parishioner participation and fellowship within the parish community.
What are the eight commissions, or Ministries, at Saint Joseph and what do they do?
The Administrative Ministries help advise the Pastor on policies and initiatives of the parish. The Finance Council and the Parish Pastoral Council are advisory councils that help our Pastor make decisions for the Parish. Pastoral Council members are elected each year, and representatives from each commission also sit on the Pastoral Council.
The Christian Action Commission seeks to offer a theological framework, along with training and resources, to sustain and strengthen our parish’s commitment to the practice of Catholic Social Teaching. It sponsors activities and committees within the parish, such as the service at the Catholic Worker, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Hope Ministries Outreach, and the Respect Life initiatives. |
The Christian Formation Commission of Saint Joseph Parish supports and encourages the conversion and growth in faith of all parishioners, as individuals and in community, by fostering the transformation of life initiated in baptism. This commission sponsors faith formation activities and religious education for the parish and prepares parishioners for sacraments. This ministry also supports the Saint Joseph Youth Group. |
The Community Life Commission of Saint Joseph Parish seeks to foster an environment of care and welcome in our faith community. Its volunteers plan many parish-wide events and activities, including our annual Parish Picnic, our Lenten Fish Fry, after Mass "Coffee and Conversation", the MOMs Group, the prayer chain, meals ministries, and ministry to the sick and homebound, just to name a few! |
The Liturgy Commission assists the Director of Liturgy and Music in planning all aspects of liturgy and in educating the parish community about liturgical practices. In addition to sponsoring several opportunities for prayer, song, and reflection, this ministry also oversees the training, scheduling, and support of all of our liturgical ministers including Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Music Ministry, Hospitality Ministers, Writers for the Prayers of the Faithful, and Altar Servers. |
The Stewardship Commission strives to motivate and enable parishioners to become Christian stewards who receive God's gifts gratefully, cherish and tend to them in a responsible and accountable manner, share them in justice and love with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. This commission's main work is to coordinate Stewardship Renewal Weekends and other initiatives to promote and educate parishioners on living a life of discipleship. |
The Operations Commission consists of several committees, such as the Building and Grounds Committee, that help run the nuts and bolts of the parish. The work of these committees in sustaining the mission of our church is not to be overlooked! |
The Saint Joseph Grade School Board assists the Pastor and Principal with planning activities and determining policy for SJGS as well as creating and maintaining the school's Strategic Plan. Saint Joseph is proud to have been educating the hearts and minds of local children in the Holy Cross tradition since 1854! |