Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality are instrumental in making Saint Joseph a warm and welcoming place for everyone who enters our doors, parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Ministers of Hospitality greet the faithful as they enter and assist them in finding seats. During the liturgy they assist in collecting the monetary offering and make sure someone is present to offer the gifts of bread and wine during the Offertory Procession. After Mass they distribute bulletins, straighten up the pews, and store the worship aids when needed.

If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact the Director of Music and Liturgy.

Theresa Slott
Director of Music and Liturgy
574-234-3134, ext. 115

Formation and Training

All new Hospitality Ministers should contact the Director of Music and Liturgy to set up an individual training session. These typically happen during the Mass time that you normally attend with experienced Hospitality Ministers who can walk you through the liturgy and the responsibilities. 

Download the Minister of Hospitality Guidelines

Scheduling for Ministers

Ministers are scheduled in advance at the Masses they prefer, and frequency varies by liturgy.

We use Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) to schedule all of our liturgical ministers.  MSP has an online component, which allows ministers to input their serving preferences including dates that they are unable to serve, preferred Masses, and family scheduling options.  Ministers can also request subs online if they are unable to serve when schedule.

MSP Web Terminal >
Here you can update your profile, request substitutes or respond to sub requests. 

Request a Sub >
Note that it is very important to request a substitute if you are unable to serve during your scheduled Masses.

If you forget your username or password:
You will need your Username and Password to login, which you received via email. If you need them resent, please contact, 574-234-3134.

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© Saint Joseph Parish • 226 N. Hill St. • South Bend, Indiana 46617 • (574) 234-3134