One of the hallmarks of the Saint Joseph Parish family is hospitality. Our community is strengthened (first and foremost) by praying together, but we also talk, laugh, and listen to one another as a natural way of heeding the call to "love and serve the Lord" as we love and serve one another. "Coffee and Conversation" is one way of providing that opportunity for hospitality and socialization. After the Sunday 8 and 10am Masses, coffee, juice, and some simple treat are served in the back of church for people of all ages to enjoy.
We need your help to promoting hospitality at Saint Joseph! Volunteers prepare the coffee, juice, and cookies for after Mass. You will be provided with a simple checklist to guide you. You are welcome to bring your own cookies and juice, or use the ones provided by the parish. Just set it up before Mass and monitor the table after Mass.
Submit your name and email address including which Mass you would like to serve (8am or 10am) and we will put you in the rotation.
Joanna Azar, Parishioner