The Saint Joseph Parish Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is a unit of the St. Joseph County District Council, which in turn is a component of a national and world-wide organization. Under the Patronage of St. Vincent de Paul, the Society was founded in Paris over 170 years ago by Blessed Frederick Ozanam. The Conference in Saint Joseph Parish has operated continuously since 1916. The principal mission of the Society is attending to the needs of the poor and, by so doing, increasing the Christian witness of the Society's members.
- Families in need call us, and we respond by visiting their homes, providing food and other resources, and by praying with them.
- We meet monthly in the Ackles Parish Center to pray together and report on calls and other conference business.
- We keep blue bags in the church for parishioners to take home and return with non-perishable food donations.
- You are welcome to join the conference. Just contact us at 574-234-3134!
- We also welcome your help through your donations! The blue Saint Vincent de Paul bags available in the church are for you to take home and return with food donations. Place them on the altar at the offertory or after Mass, or drop them off at the parish center during business hours.
- You are also welcome to make donations by dropping cash or a check in the poor box in the back of the church.