Contact Information

If you are considering becoming Catholic and would like more information, or to enroll in RCIA, contact:

Sean Driscoll
Director of Faith Formation
574-234-3134, ext. 114

RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The next day, John was by the Jordan again with two of his disciples.  Seeing Jesus walk by, John said, "Look!  There is the Lamb of God!"  The two disciples heard what Jesus said and followed Jesus.  When Jesus turned around and noticed them following, he asked them, "What are you looking for?"  They replied, Rabbi, which means "Teacher," where are you staying?  "Come and see," Jesus answered.  So they went to see where he was staying, and they spent the rest of the day with him.  John 1:35-39

What is RCIA?

In the Christian tradition, persons are received into the Catholic faith through Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. These are known as Sacraments of Initiation. That is, by these sacraments, one becomes fully initiatied into the Catholic Church, and in particular, an important part of the Catholic worshiping community at Saint Joseph Parish.

RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process by which this happens. For those already baptized in the Catholic faith, it is the process by which they make their Confirmation and/or First Communion. For non-Catholics, it is the process by which they discern the call to enter the Catholic Church.

Who is RCIA For?

RCIA is for individuals in any of the following three (3) categories, who seek to be in full communion with the Catholic Church:

Unbaptized persons (known as catechumens)

Persons baptized in another Christian faith who wish to enter the Catholic Church (known as candidates)

Baptized Catholics who wish to receive First Communion and/or Confirmation (also referred to as candidates)


Discerning whether or not to receive these sacraments, and thus enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, requires time for prayer, reflection, study and conversation. Here at Saint Joseph, the RCIA program is designed to assist you in this process of discernment. You are invited to meet once a week with parishioners, others who are discerning, and those who desire to complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. These sessions give you the time to ask all of your questions.

While we don't promise any simple, easy answers, we do promise an environment where your questions and your story will be heard with the respect and understanding they deserve. These sessions will also be a time for us to reflect on the movement of God in our lives, to share our thoughts and felings, to study the Catholic faith, and to pray, so that we might be mroe attentive to the presence of God in our lives.

RCIA for Children

RCIA is also the process through which children over the age of seven, not baptized as infants, or baptized in another denomination, are initiated into the Catholic Church.

For more information about your child(ren) becoming Catholic or to enroll them in RCIA, please contact:

Sean Driscoll
Director of Faith Formation
574-234-3134, ext. 114

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