Saint Joseph Parish Mission
February 20 & 21, 6:30-8:00pm

A Parish Mission is an experience designed to touch the heart, centered upon how much the loving Lord desires to encounter and save each one of us. Its goal is to bring renewal and enthusiasm, to invigorate our parish community. The Parish Mission is a preaching event. God’s Word is proclaimed through the Bible and Catholic doctrine so that the faith, commitment, and attachment to the Body of Christ present in our faith community might further flourish. The mission is very much a “bring the whole family” event. 

This Lent, Saint Joseph parishioners are invited to experience this renewal of faith during our Parish Mission. Acts of Mercy, with special guest Frank Runyeon, dramatically presents classic stories of our faith, highlighting the theme of God’s mercy with featured selections from the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John.

Saturday, February 20, 6:30pm, Saint Joseph Church

LUKE: Stories of Mercy tells about Jesus’ famous parables on the road to Jerusalem and how they reveal our part in this story. It promises to be an evening filled with humor and surprising insights. Frank shares reflections and stories from his own faith journey, and points to the theme of mercy in Jesus' best known parables: The Prodigal Son and The Good Samaritan.   

Sunday, February 21, 6:30pm, Saint Joseph Church

JOHN: Signs of Mercy proclaims what God has done in the life of Jesus, that is God has mercy on mankind. All the drama and power of this beloved Gospel are brought to life in a spellbinding performance of signs included in the Gospel of John from the Wedding in Cana to the healing of the Centurion’s Son, from the opening of the eyes of the Blind Man to the raising of Lazarus.


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